Shanghai Children's Medical Center

American Securities helped renovate a children’s playroom at the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center’s (SCMC) Heart Center.

The Heart Center, which was opened in 2007, piloted a hybrid treatment for children with complex congenital heart disease. The playroom is an important part of the center because it provides a place where children can ease their stress and forget their pains while staying in the hospital before or after surgery. Volunteers worked with SCMC to develop the design of the room, including naming the room and choosing eco-friendly furniture. We painted the room, as well as decorative murals on the walls, and assembled the new furniture. The finished product transformed a drab room into a cheery and colorful playroom for the children.

SCMC is one of the world’s premier children’s heart centers where nearly 2,500 children receive lifesaving heart surgery every year. We learned about the opportunity to volunteer at SCMC through one of American Securities’ Advisory Board members, Richard T. Clark. Dick serves as Chairman of Project HOPE, which delivers health education, medicine, supplies and volunteers where needed. SCMC is one of the beneficiaries of Project HOPE’s work.


Our Giving Back report debuted in 2011 as a testament to how those of us at American Securities, and our portfolio companies, live our value of Giving Back.
